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Sunday, November 25, 2007

"New Dimensions" Art Exhibit; Kox & Klein 

Apocalypse House Newsletter

Norbert H. Kox

November 26, 2007

"New Dimensions," exhibit of the art of David Klein and Norbert H. Kox

Dear friends,

Many Green Bay area residents have asked when I will be exhibiting my works in this area so they can see them again. I really like to show my art in my hometown for you to see, but it does not happen often because of the lack of venues here. My works are exhibited around the world but until now have not graced the walls of a coffee shop.

My very close friend David Klein has set up an exhibition of his artwork at Kavarna's Vegetarian Coffeehouse, 112 S. Broadway, Green Bay, Wisconsin, and has invited me to hang some of my works in the show with him. I've accepted his gracious offer and brought out several new works for you to see.

We have exhibited side-by-side Many times throughout the years, multiple times at the Neville Public Museum in Green Bay, several times at the West Bend Art Museum where we each had simultaneous exhibits, and again in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His paintings have appeared in more than 175 exhibitions.

David says, "I am proud and happy to exhibit with Norb Kox, and without his help and encouragement I would not have exhibited as often as I have over the years."

David's primitive outsider artwork has a delightful charm and innocence that usually evokes positive emotions. http://www.klein.homestead.com/
The visionary works that I am showing are from my last visit to Bimini, Bahamas, December 2006-February 2007. These are esoteric paintings based on the transference of energy between the physical and spiritual realms.

Bimini is in the Bermuda Triangle and is known for a high concentration of spiritual energy and healing vortexes, attributed to it's location in the electromagnetic grid. Some believe Bimini is the tiny speck of land that remains of Atlantis. Edgar Cayce in 1933 had predicted the remains of Atlantis would be found in 1968 or 1969 in the waters of Bimini. An amazing discovery was made in 1968 when a plane flying over Bimini spotted an underwater structure that has become known as the Bimini Road or the Stones of Atlantis. This was a controversial issue until recently when underwater archeologists disclosed irrefutable evidence of perhaps the world's oldest seaport, in about 15 feet of water just off Bimini's north-west shoreline.

"New Dimensions" is an exhibit of the art of David Klein and Norbert H. Kox.

The exhibition which starts Monday, November 26, will not have a formal opening night reception, but later a MEET THE ARTISTS reception will coincide with a book signing for Kox's 221-page book, The End Is Come. For anyone who has ever wondered about Kox's motivation and messages this book will clear things up. Date and time to be announced sometime during the course of the exhibition.

"New Dimensions"

Exhibit runs from Monday, November 26, 2007 through Saturday, January 19, 2008


Kavarna Vegetarian Coffeehouse
112 S. Broadway
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM-10:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM-6:00 PM

If you are coming here from out of town, please call ahead to double-check just in case of any changes, 920-430-3200.

Thank you for your interest.

Best regards,

Norbert H. Kox

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