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Friday, February 03, 2006

Bimini, Dolphin House; New art book, re. N.H.Kox 

Apocalypse House Newsletter
Books about Norbert H. Kox now available, http://nkox.homestead.com/BookStoreIndex.html

February 3, 2006

Dear friends,

Happy to be greeting you again after a long lapse (last newsletter 11-29-05).

Before my trip, my old computer had crashed causing the loss of my e-mail list. I was able to recover some of the e-mail addresses to compile a new list. The new system still has some difficulties so I hope that I am able to get this newsletter to those who desire it, without imposing on anyone who does not want it. Because of the loss of my list I am now sending to everyone in my address book. So if you receive this letter against your will, please reply with the word "remove" in the subject line and I will take your address off the list. Otherwise you can subscribe or unsubscribe at, http://nkox.homestead.com/NewsLetReg.html .

My 2005-2006 Bimini trip was a great success. Completed three large paintings. They will be posted on Apocalypse House website in the near future. I will let you know when they go up.

I have several new pages to share with you now.

The tiny Island of Bimini has undergone some recent tragedies.
Posted here, http://inmyrighthand.homestead.com/news.html .

See Ashley Saunders' Dolphin House, where I have been residing on my past five visits to the Island, http://inmyrighthand.homestead.com/DolphinHOUSEindex.html .
Artist Marvin Bowleg is a Biminite, now living in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and attending college at University of Wisconsin.

Last but not least, many people have been asking if there are any books that talk about my artwork, with examples or reproductions of some of my paintings. In the last newsletter I told about the new book that just came out,
Miracles Of The Spirit: Folk, Art, And Stories From Wisconsin (Hardcover)
by Don Krug, Ann Parker, Roger Cardinal (Foreword). It has a section about me , pp. 31-43, with five black and white pictures of my paintings (trivia: the one on p. 39 is printed backward). It also has two colored pictures of my paintings in the section following p. 134.

I now have my own bookstore (as an outlet of Amazon) where you can purchase this book, and others, with biographical writings about me and pictures of my artworks.

Find books about Norbert H. Kox at
Apocalypse House, Tree of Knowledge Tree of Life Bookstore

The store contains other books of interest as well. The bookstore is under construction and additions are being made. For the time being, books containing writings and pictures about me and my artwork, are available, as well as many of the Bible Code books that I use in my research. When you reach the site you will see many topics that are not yet linked for availability. If you see something that you like but it is not yet available, please return soon, since updating will continue. To help make this a better store please offer suggestions for other books or categories of books that you would like to see made available in the future. http://nkox.homestead.com/BookStoreIndex.html

Thank You.

Best regards,

Norbert H. Kox

If you have received this letter against your will, please reply with the word "remove" in the subject line and I will take your address off the list. Otherwise you can subscribe or unsubscribe at, http://nkox.homestead.com/NewsLetReg.html .

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